Thursday, January 14, 2016

Structure and Function

Conventional chiropractors are well known for their goals of decreasing muscles spasm, increasing range of motion, and temporarily relieving pain through spinal manipulations.  The focus of a conventional chiropractic approach is mainly structural.  However, the NeuroStructural care at Axis Chiropractic also addresses the function of the body with specific NeuroStructural Corrections.

If you as any engineer or architect they will tell you that structure determines function.  It's no different in the human body - our hands are designed with opposite thumbs for grasping objects, our teeth have different designs based upon where in the mouth they are located to perform different jobs like tearing or grinding of food, and even on a cellular level, the shape of our individual proteins determines if they will function as a transporter of molecules, control growth, or even transmit nerve impulses.

Structural abnormalities in the spine certainly do cause secondary structural conditions such as muscle soreness, degenerative disc disease, back pain, and abnormal popping/cracking, but they also cause secondary functional conditions such as migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure.

At our office we use the most current scientific tools available to identify and correct the underlying structural abnormality in your spine.  Once it is corrected we help you take care of that correction so it won't come back!

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